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2023-04-05 09:02:07


  1. 倒車雷達外殼加工設備要適用于工藝要求。

  1.1. 倒車雷達采用先進的光學測量設備,專業的技術人員來制造超精密倒車雷達外(wai)殼(ke),同(tong)時采用專業的拋(pao)光、噴涂設備(bei)來完(wan)成對外(wai)觀(guan)的質量檢驗。

  1.2. 進行倒車雷(lei)達外殼加工(gong)時,設(she)備的速(su)度(du)一定要慢,以保(bao)證各個工(gong)序(xu)的精度(du)。

  2. 倒車雷達外殼加(jia)工工藝要完善。

  2.1. 應根據加(jia)工(gong)要求選(xuan)擇(ze)合(he)理的倒車雷達(da)外殼加(jia)工(gong)工(gong)藝。

  2.2. 每道工序都應有詳細的(de)工藝規(gui)程,并嚴(yan)格按(an)照(zhao)規(gui)程進行加(jia)工。

  3. 倒車雷達外(wai)殼加工技術人員要經過專業的培訓(xun)。

  3.1. 在進行(xing)倒(dao)車(che)雷達外(wai)殼加(jia)(jia)工之前,應對倒(dao)車(che)雷達外(wai)殼加(jia)(jia)工設備、工藝和(he)工具進行(xing)充分的了解。

  3.2. 專(zhuan)業(ye)的技術(shu)人員應經過(guo)倒車雷達外殼加工專(zhuan)業(ye)培(pei)訓,并具有一定的實踐經驗。

  How to Improve the Efficiency and Quality of the Rear Radar Shell Processing

  1. The equipment for processing the rear radar shell shall be suitable for the process requirements.

  1.1. The rear radar uses advanced optical measuring equipment, professional technicians to manufacture ultra-precision rear radar shell, and uses professional polishing and spraying equipment to complete the quality inspection of the appearance.

  1.2. When processing the rear radar shell, the speed of the equipment must be slow to ensure the accuracy of each process.

  2. The process of the rear radar shell processing should be perfect.

  2.1. The process of the rear radar shell processing should be selected according to the processing requirements.

  2.2. There shall be a detailed process for each process, and the processing shall be carried out in strict accordance with the process.

  3. The technical personnel for processing the rear radar shell shall be trained professionally.

  3.1. Before processing the rear radar shell, the rear radar shell processing equipment, process and tools should be fully understood.

  3.2. Professional technicians should be trained in the rear radar shell processing, and have certain practical experience.

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